

ARIX® robotics solutions give you reliable, comprehensive, and cost-saving corrosion data. Our team of industry veterans will partner with you to create safer and more sustainable operations.

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Corrosion leads to costly downtime and environmental impact.

Petrochemical facilities operate within a delicate balance of efficiency and risk. Corrosion, hidden within intricate piping networks, threatens operational integrity and safety, draining almost $1.4 billion from industry revenues every year. Despite substantial investments in inspection services, the challenges persist, with uncertainties surrounding asset conditions and maintenance strategies.


ARIX robotics solutions reveal critical threats with greater accuracy. We reduce safety risks and allow you to inspect tricky areas using industry-leading robotic technology developed in-house.

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Risk mitigation for the next generation.

Our robotic solutions provide access to previously inaccessible areas, eliminating the need for costly and hazardous methods like scaffolding or rope crews. By providing 360º full-coverage data collection, we ensure the highest quality inspection data, eliminating human error and variability. Our advanced analytics empower your team to unlock the full value of your data sets, allowing you to make informed decisions and proactively mitigate risks.

Working at heights ARIX
Access Challenging Locations 
Our robotic inspection services provide access to hazardous and difficult areas without the need for insulation removal and reinstallation, scaffolding, or rope crews, reducing costs and enhancing safety.
Refinery Data 1
Collect Better Data
ARIX Technologies improves inspection data quality by offering continuous data collection and data accuracy verification along pipes. These measures minimize human error and variability to provide accurate insights.
Risk management ARIX
Optimize Risk Management
Leverage our data analytics to empower your company with valuable insights that inform your decisions and limit operational downtime.

“ARIX Technologies has great potential to provide both marine safety improvements along with significant cost savings to the consumer.”

Jack Buono

Former president & CEO of SeaRiver Maritime (subsidiary of ExxonMobil)

“We haven’t had success with robot companies before, but your team exceeded expectations.”

Electric Utility Company for an American Megacity

“This robot should sell itself based on scaffold reduction”

Top 5 Chemical Producer

Asset Integrity Engineer

“This robot has the potential to be game-changing in the refining industry where nothing like this currently exists.”

Joseph Nunez

Refinery Lead Mechanical Engineer at a top 5 oil major, Licensed & Industry Veteran Engineer

Get in touch with us!

Want innovative solutions to increase safety, lower costs, and preserve your equipment for years to come?

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